Sunday, April 6, 2008

Funny quotes.

"Crazy works for me!"-Cheshire Cat
"Save tree's eliminate homework"-I got it off a t-shirt...
"Tree's dont grow on money either!"-I got it off a button...
"What are you, and who are you doing?"=(Translation)Who are you and what are you doing?-Dock (one of the seven dwarfs)
"There's a cherry at the bottom!"-Emily
"Do apples grow on trees?"-me
"You're a fat pig and you know it!"-Hunter-grace.
"Long ago in a mystical forest..."-David
"At first, when I see you cry, it makes me smile..." Lily Allen
"No you cant have my number, cuz I lost my phone!"-Lily Allen
"This is deffinetly the highlight of my senior year!"-Taylor Swift (after winning a horizan aword)
"Let them eat cake!"-Marie Antoinette (not really though)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Nerds rule preps drewl ect..

Nerds rule,
Preps drewl,
punks rock (literally),
geeks are smart,
and Jocks are not,
Which one do u rather be?