Monday, July 13, 2009


I have received the book!!! U know the book I mean!! THE JAM SUMMER BOOK!
haha im soo happy, this book has some mighty nice stuff in it and i plan to make even nicer stuff.
i just have to print out the pics of south dakota from the disposable cameras.
yes i am cheap and bought disposable cameras for a trip to another state.
I'm really excited about going to see harry potter with alexa! I'm bummed that i didn't read the books fast enough but thats alright.
Personally I kind of like life of Pi now.
In the beginning it was absolute torture because of the whole sloth thing, but in the end (well now anyway) its getting better.
I hate going to the summer program thing at lamar though.
That is torture.
No joke...
All though there is a rather nice looking fellow in my class, but he has a weird voice, so there's no hope for us.
I know that was totally shallow, but I'm a singer, and having a "mate" with a weird voice is just...weird.
Oki Doki, thats all.


The Gray Lady said...

Having a "mate" with a wierd voice... now that's just creepy. Keep this plan up and your children shall have beautiful singing voices.

Anonymous said...

dont feel bad about being shallow. SHALLOW IS GOOD! ahahahahha